Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blog Assignment 9

Mr. McClung started teaching in the fall of 2008. For every school-year he has taught, he has written a blog post about what he has learned.


I was really interested in reading the post for his first year of teaching because I was sure that it addressed the issues that I may be having. In his first year of teaching, Mr. McClung says that an important decision he made was to be positive. I believe that there is nothing greater than to remain positive. Face it, very few things go smoothly and as planned, but positivity enables us to see problems in a completely different light.

Kids excited in a classroomHe also says that teachers are more concerned with the delivery of the content rather than student comprehension. It is crucial that you have to "let your audience drive your instruction". Another lesson he had learned was that no lesson is ever perfect, and the lesson you teach and the one you plan are always different. So, when things go wrong, work with the circumstances with a big smile. Wow, for me Mr. McClung just addressed two big issues that I would have had.

In addition, Mr. McClung says that communications is the best way to solve any problem in a workplace. I think communication is very important, especially between students and the teacher. It is very important that the teacher makes the students feel comfortable and builds strong relationships. A teacher should listen to his or her students and take more interest in their lives. I think this is the way that a student can feel close enough to discuss issues and change potential downfalls into successes.

A "Don't Stop" sign
Mr. McClung also states that it is impractical to hold high expectations from students. Instead, a teacher's job is to "simply pick them up after they fail, dust them of, and encourage them to try again". He also says that there is no reason to be afraid of technology. Last, he ends by saying that never stop learning. I really liked when he said that it was never too late to change the way of learning, thinking, or style, and I believe that technology plays a big part in this.


In this post, Mr. McClung starts out by saying that he had been trying to please his peers. In the process, he realized that it was not important. What is important is whether the kids are having fun. I agree that this is the #1 priority for a student. It is actually worth making a difference in your students lives and seeing them happy.

He says if you get too comfortable as a teacher, "you start to get lazy and ultimately your lessons will start to suck, which then in turn means that kids are not enjoying your class". I agree with Mr. McClung that the goal of an educator should be to make sure that the students are enjoying class and do not resent school. A teacher plays a vital role in shaping the future of the students. 


  1. Hello Khushbu! This is Ashaunte Gaillard and I will be critiquing your blog this week. Overall, I thought your blog post was nice. I also wrote about the same two blog posts from Clung!There was only one concern that I picked up on which is the sentence "Mr. McClung also states that it is impractical to hold high expectations from students." It is a great sentence. However, it could maybe be worded a little differently to flow with the paragraph. Other than this minor thing, your blog was great! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Khushba,

    It is me again. I really liked your post, it was very well written. I always post the importance of the bond between an educator and their students; without this bond, I think it would be harder to get a lesson across in the classroom. It is great to see that you agree with what Mr. McClung feels is necessary for teaching. There were barely any errors in your blog post. I am only confused about one of your sentences when read aloud.

    “Last, he ends by saying that never stop learning.”

    I know the point you are trying to make, but I think if you rephrase the sentence it would sound a lot better. Other than that your post seemed just fine to me. Good Job!

  3. I agree. That sentence needs rephrasing.Thanks!
